Mustard Seed
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Trust God with all your heart!
short Testimony: On Saturday I was asked to go on a trip however things are that it's not a good time for me with my current schedule and certain things going on in my life right now. I didn't want to dissapoint the person though so how was I to handle this? Well I let Saturday be and into Sunday I was a tad stressed however I prayed and put it to God. I said, "Lord, this trip is not at a good time for me but I am so confused as to what to do. You know my future Lord and only you know what is best for me. So my Abba Father please block this trip if you know it's not what I should be doing right now!" WIth that said I stopped worrying and left it to Jesus. Well not long later I checked my phone and guess what, the person had called me back and said there was a change of plan and there was no need for me to go on this trip. Allelujah for that! I just closed my eyes and said, "Thank you so much Jesus for always taking care of me and loving me" I didn't have to dissapoint anyone as the situation took care of itself in my favour. JESUS you are so GREAT! xo
Friday, 14 March 2014
..Are great because they take you to a higher level with God! Yep, my challenges have been huge and there were times I wanted to buckle and give up but I kept praying and crying to God to take my burden because I just couldn't carry it; and you know what, each time I cried to God he listened and lifted my burden and it was almost like I could hear him say, my child I promised I wouldn't let you suffer or hurt or be burdened then why are you trying to carry this load yourself. It's so easy for us to let the enemy take over huh; bring us down right to the bottom where we feel there is no answer! Well these days I say to the enenmy; you can get your claws out of me because there is nothing for you to cling to in this body here! And it is almost like I can see these little demons fleeing because they are so so scared of the name of Jesus; yep I rebuke them in teh name of Jesus and by the power given to me by God Jesus enemy flee and flee fast. Anything time I feel some sickness or doubt or burden or worry or anything I know that is not from God, I tell that enemy where to go! lols.... and he sure flees... all these challenges just take me down the path of enlightenment and when they come my way I know it's the enemy trying to get me because he can see that I am walking closer and closer and closer to my Lord and Saviour and he (the enemy) will try so hard to make us fall. It may seem a battle but trust and faith in Jesus is all we need and nothing, I say nothing can harm us. With Jesus before us, who can be against us. We have the King, Lord, Saviour of the world, the Almighty and our father before us; there is no need to fear the enemy! Go forward in faith and trust through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. x
Thursday, 13 March 2014
God's Love
Is ETERNAL..... I want to talk about God's love because he never never never fails. He is so comforting and loving and full of mercy for his children. Now when I say full of mercy it doesn't mean you go out and keep sinning and thinking, "well God will forgive me, he is merciful". Yes he does forgive but don't you love God enough to want to stop hurting him? I make mistakes everyday of my life and each time I think, do or say something I know God won't be pleased with, I ask for forgiveness. It hurts when I do wrong things because I am hurting God; each day I try to make an effort to do, say and think the right things. Yes it's difficult but keep praying and asking for the holy spirit's guidance and God sees your heart and he knows you are making an effort. Don't stop because God loves you so so so much and all he wants is for you to love him back the same way. Love first then everything else falls into place. Good night everyone. xx
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Trust is such a huge word; people often use it very loosely. Well I trust and often enough that trust gets broken and leaves you hurting. One thing for sure, trust God with all your heart because he never fails. He is always there for you, it's us that fail him. Continuous trust in God is leaves you with peace; an immense amount of peace. I trust God so much and yes sometimes that little voice of the devil comes in and tries to make you doubt but be strong cause God almighty is so so so much stronger then that evil little man thing called lucifer. Remember GOD is:
GOD is all good and wonderful.....
GOD is all good and wonderful.....
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Monday Marvel
Yep it's that time of week yet again; Monday Marvel - definitly not Monday-itis. lols
Morning devotional already done and feeling great. My accomplishment this weekend was a 10 page report. A report which I had to write for a prospective client and of course I wanted it to be super great. Now that it's done I am feeling confident and wonderful that the client will love it. Prior to starting I wondered where to start from and how to go about it to make it exactly what the client wants. Well yet again I turned to God (as I always do) before I got started and told him what I had to do and that I needed his guidance. As always giving time for God before doing anything else and trusting that he would show me the right way. Well guess what; yes you know it... yet again my God never failed me. Once I put my head down and got started, words just kept flowing and I knew exactly where to go to get what I needed and before I even knew it I was finished. God is just amazing over and over and over again. I love that he is there and wants to take care of us; all we have to do is ask, believe, obey and he will deliver. Thank you Abba Father for loving me and taking me through the dark times. You make them so much brighter and you give me hope and peace that passes all understanding. xo
Morning devotional already done and feeling great. My accomplishment this weekend was a 10 page report. A report which I had to write for a prospective client and of course I wanted it to be super great. Now that it's done I am feeling confident and wonderful that the client will love it. Prior to starting I wondered where to start from and how to go about it to make it exactly what the client wants. Well yet again I turned to God (as I always do) before I got started and told him what I had to do and that I needed his guidance. As always giving time for God before doing anything else and trusting that he would show me the right way. Well guess what; yes you know it... yet again my God never failed me. Once I put my head down and got started, words just kept flowing and I knew exactly where to go to get what I needed and before I even knew it I was finished. God is just amazing over and over and over again. I love that he is there and wants to take care of us; all we have to do is ask, believe, obey and he will deliver. Thank you Abba Father for loving me and taking me through the dark times. You make them so much brighter and you give me hope and peace that passes all understanding. xo
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Do you pray enough in the day? I pray many times a day and I do it sitting or standing and whilst I am in the middle of things as well. I just spend time talking to God, it could be a short prayer or just a good old conversation with God. I love these moments because I feel so much closer to God; it's like talking to a parent. Giving them your good and bad moments; seeking advise and trusting and knowing that they will give you good answers. My everyday is as such and just by doing this I am confident and brave to face the world and what it brings me. Trust God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. :)
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Time with God
it was one of those days where I found it so difficult to get out of bed but when I thought of my time with God, I quickly stood. I wasn't out of fear but just knowing how good it felt to have this time made me get out of bed. :) Spending time with God in prayer or meditation is the best time of my day. Try it, it's so enjoyable that you look forward to it every day. xo
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